Visual communication, Information design, Visitor experience

Voices of Science


voices of science

I planned and served as the project manager and producer for Voices of Science. It is a series of audio stories that focus on the science and conservation practices within national parks in Hawai’i. It is a chance for listeners to learn more about nature through sounds and stories of people working in and taking care of parks.

Hawai’i Public Radio showcased the project on-air and each episode is on This project could not have happened without a team of talented National Park Service employees and a partnership with Montana State University’s Acoustic Atlas program. Put on your headphones, sit back, and enjoy.

White coral seen underwater

Coral Bleaching

Coral bleaching is a global crisis. Warmer water temperatures cause corals to react by expelling their algae, leaving stark white corals in their wake. If corals stay bleached for too long, the whole reef could die. Reefs are home to a wide variety of sea life, to lose this biodiversity would be devastating. Reef biologists say there’s still time to help.

Ocean waves crash on a rock wall. Palm trees seen in the distance.


Native Hawaiians were some of the first fish-farmers in history. 800 years ago, they built large fishponds where they’d raise fish for the whole community. Today, Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park works hard to maintain these symbols of the past, to preserve them for our future.

Two geese stand next to each other


The Hawaiian Goose, or nēnē, is the rarest goose in the world. It’s found only in the state of Hawaiʻi. In the 1950’s, the species was on the brink of extinction. With the help of biologists like Kathleen Misajon in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, the nēnē population is rebounding.

A quarter and a frog next to each other for size comparison

The Coquistador

A noisy little amphibian is causing quite the ruckus on Hawai'i Island - the invasive coqui frog. Coqui threaten the native ecosystems and shatter the natural soundscapes in Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. Biological Resource Technician Kim Dilman works by night, removing frogs from the landscape to protect sensitive areas.

A silhouette of a park ranger and a telescope against a sunset sky

Night Skies

For generations, night skies have inspired those who choose to look up. They helped the original Polynesian wayfinders find their way across the sea. In Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, you can appreciate the stars like nowhere else on the planet. And the park is working hard to keep it that way.

Red and orange lava flows over gray and black hardened lava

Lava and Change

Some of the biggest changes on Hawai’i come from the active volcano on the island. Lava flowing across the island incinerates everything in its path. But lava also creates new land. Land that will eventually support species and habitats found nowhere else on earth.